Today should have been the day that I met a fellow hi-momenter but alas the trains thwarted our plans, so Christine, we will have to make it third time lucky on your next trip!
To counter the disappointment of the day, I spent it being creative, working on my woodcut and rearranging the plants on my balcony to make the most of any rainfall in the coming weeks (I’m going off on a work trip soon and am worried for my plants. My brother and Mum have promised they will water them but the plants have been spoilt with me watering them every day. So sorry, I’m hoping for some rain while I’m away!)
And tonight, whilst watering the plants, I found this paper aeroplane in with the squash and beetroot.
Day 99 #100happydays: Over 21,000 words in 246 moments in 28 cities
Day 98 #100happydays: Community
Day 97 #100happydays: Plant shadows
Day 96 #100happydays: A different perspective
Day 95 #100happydays: Breakfast on balcony garden
Day 91 #100happydays: Happy accident
Day 87 #100happydays: Happy place
Day 85 #100happydays: Fish supper
Day 84 #100happydays: Afternoon light and shadow