I have invested heavily in my DSLR. Good glass. Good bodies. I tend to do aviation photography. I am pretty bored at the moment with the photos I am taking. Do I take a break? Do I push though and re-think /how/ I shoot? How I see my subject?
In the meantime I have my lowly iPhone5. I enjoy showcasing small bits of my world with it’s camera and software. Portable, light, with me.
But can I do aviation photography with it?
For now I am OK with all of these open questions.
I was here.
Day 54 #100happydays: AGO
Day 53 #100happydays: Raccoon
Day 52 #100happydays: Reasons to be cheerful
Day 51 #100happydays: Hello Canada!
Rainy Winter City
The random cards have upped the ante... Or changed the game.
Patient pup guards the parish