So, not much happened till around just before break. I was asked to finish of MORE work yet again! Then it was hymn practice we were asked to get all of the music up…but we had spent HOURS searching for it! Then just as it was about to start we found the disc!phew! So we then put it on, the children had no idea what some of the old songs were! None of them had any idea so we were asked to change the music again we were so unprepared and we had had ALL morning to do this stuff. Lunch was fine as we found a great new toy to play with so yeah! whoo! Then we got asked to go to the library to look something up on a map. Other people came in and turned the heating up to 35 degrees we wondered why it was so warm! I had to turn the heating down to a snowflake! Oh there goes the carrot bell for the end of school!
In someways Hi has become part of an extended family!!
The impermanence of mint-choco ice
Something might've gone wrong when you realize this is your dream house.
Andrew Hem "Mountain Full" show @ JLG
fuck. fuck fuck fuck. that's genius.
Best in Tokyo
Different brains