Minato-ku — I stayed here only one night, but it felt longer than that… I guess it was more on how I perceived this place, being in an alternate dystopian future, a future that never happened. A future where my ...
Minato-ku — … it rolls to a rest, like a camera in water, on some scene of Hopper’s imagining- the untongued tension, taut as a lampshade and crouching, potent as a bared-tooth dog. A child with bulbous, blue e...
The impermanence of mint-choco ice
Best in Tokyo
Archive chatter
Point of declaration, summer 2010
Mochi time
Today's office is the best office
Thinking inside the box, a very special box.
You made your prom dress with two pieces that transformed princess to a queen.RIP my friend.
Bonds with identities, people and places. Learning how to walk in a kimono.
When I unchain my imagination, letting it roam like an absent-minded grandmother, fingers roaming over undusted tables...
Playing Fuck, Marry, Kill on the train I come up with mostly kills, no fucks and one marry-for-money.