Winter sunrise at St Pancras

February 21st, 2014, 12pm

It was 10°C with scattered clouds. There was moderate breeze.

It only seems fair to pair the Winter sunset at St Pancras moment from a couple of days ago with a sunrise moment from this morning, so here it is, albeit from further away and with a better camera!

I’ve probably said this before, but I just love the ridiculously over-the-top ornate details of this building which would be deemed an expensive luxury (and therefore unjustified) were it to be built today.

The Manhattan Loft Corporation converted these top floors of the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel building into luxury appartments about 4 years ago, which will now cost you well over £1 million. Perhaps that’s a small price to pay for such an historic location with a wonderful view?

David Wade and Paul said thanks.

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Adrian Tribe

A follower of Jesus Christ, a husband and father, a Kentish Man (not a Man of Kent), a commuter to London

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