March 4, 11:20 AM, -8 ºC. I spent the morning inside, drinking multiple cups of hot chocolate mixed with abandoned instant coffee and writing in my journal.
This is an excerpt from what I wrote:
I haven’t gone outside yet today, even though it is a beautiful clear winter day. I’m physically and mentally preparing for my hike to the Kårsavagge tonight. I think I’m going to be cold, and that is sort of scary.
I could keep my tent close to the hostel and use the warm building as a refuge, but I’ve never been one to let the risk of the wild or the tension in my heartbeat make me back down. I am nineteen, I am well-prepared and I am fearless.
I’m not. Not really. And fear keeps you safe, careful. But I am bold, and tonight the skies will dance for a cold, brave boy alone in the wild.
Wandering my way to the Lapponian Gates
Stamping feet and waiting for the slow northern sun to reach the horizon
Gathered under the aurora in the early morning
Standing above Lapland at the top of Mount Nuolja
Standing on the blue ice of Lake Torneträsk