Buenos aires — La primera vez que fui a Buenos Aires, Ari hizo todo lo posible por contarme las historias de la ciudad, aunque no era de ahí. —Mirá, aún están las marcas del bombardeo en las paredes —me dice en Plaz...
Buenos aires — In Buenos Aires, street art is both prevalent and unique as compared to other places in the world. This first picture shows a pair of eyes above a wall of graffiti. The work was done with pastels and ...
Córdoba — My daughter, age 30 minutes, was already doing a Pearl Jam tribute. How awesome is that?
Laboratorio #13
Nino Amato Scrittore
beautiful street art in Buenos Aires, Argentina
I wandered into the supermarket, knowing it would reveal cultural differences. And, lo, it did.
In my house. My kids are playing, I'm working. Why we stop playing at some point of our lives, and replace games and imagination with work and responsibility?