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Hotel Life, Prose

To: The Housekeeper who did turn down service in room 802 Friday evening, From: The girl in room 802

by elle luna

Chicago — The night before I was supposed to deliver a keynote presentation to 500 creatives in Chicago, I stood in front of the mirror to practice my talk. I talked about IDEO, about Uber, about Mailbox. And it felt all wrong. Who was I to tell those stories if I no longer worked there? I was unemployed, lost in life, and burning through my savings account. I felt like a fraud. And in the morning, everyone...

Prose, writing, Handwritten

Working draft.

by Christine Herrin

San francisco — Note: Wrote this today as a sort of freewrite for Working Draft, a little club started by a friend from 826 Valencia. We invaded the tutoring center late at night and everyone got to work. Originall...


Pull back

by Craig Mod

San francisco — This was originally published in Hiut Denim’s yearbook. I finally received the package in SF, which is where I took this photo of the spread. Love the illustration. I want them all to slow down. I wa...


What you need to be a photographer.

by Daniel Milnor

Santa fe — Shoes. Good shoes. Okay, maybe even GREAT shoes. These are mine, photographed moments before they were shucked and torn apart and then rebuilt by a master craftsman in Santa Fe. A man who has been do...

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