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About a Buddha, Coffee, Fifteen Minute Stories

The mountain pour

by Craig Mod

Kamakura — Let’s just say Fingerface Palmieri wasn’t leaving this mountain without making coffee. He had a crazed look in his eyes. Said he had “carried” fire all the way up the mountain and, good lord, he wasn’t going to “carry” it down, too. Said some sweet angel called Eiko taught him how to do this, and how this had become a life-defining act: diving a dark, rich nectar high above ancient Kamakura. Like...

About a Buddha, Coffee

Truck stop coffee

by Chris Palmieri

Kamakura — Here we have the little immobile brewmobile of Idobata1, named after the Yagō2 in Zushi to which our friendly proprietor retires after a long day of slow brews for slower-moving visitors from Connecti...

City Life

Shonan is the small place that can escape from Tokyo.

by Miki Ikeda

Kamakura — Shonan is the small place that can escape from Tokyo. I played truant from the work of the afternoon on that day; and went to Enoshima. It’s the time required for people who live in a city, to keep a...

japan, sunsets, Mount Fuji

Shichiri-Gahama Dusk

by Ben Dimagmaliw

Kamakura — After visiting friends in Hayama, my wife and I felt that the traffic to get home on that long weekend would be too bothersome to deal with and so decided to take the scenic route to the highway by me...

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