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Trees, Autumn, Leeds Castle

One year on...

by Adrian Tribe

Maidstone — 44,423 words in 260 moments in 37 cities since September 26th, 2013 So reads the byline on my page on Hi, and I must admit that I find it hard to believe! I know that’s not many words compared to some, but then I’m not a natural writer. I prefer speaking, which I always blame on my mother, who was one of those who could “talk the hind legs off a donkey”, as the saying goes! As you can see, tod...

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flowers, spring, Leeds Castle

Learning lessons from the beauty of crocuses

by Adrian Tribe

Maidstone — There were many beautiful flowers at Leeds Castle, but these crocuses seemed particularly lovely to me. Small and delicate, and displaying such wonderful artistry, but I knew that this was just a tra...

birds, spring, Leeds Castle

Still singing almost 6 months later...

by Adrian Tribe

Maidstone — What a joy it was to re-visit Leeds Castle last Friday and to meet up with an old friend. Yes, I know it may not be the exact same robin as last time, but if it’s not then I’m sure it’s a brother or ...

birds, science, Leeds Castle


by Adrian Tribe

Maidstone — I love birdsong! There’s not much that can beat it, in my humble opinion. So joyful (and sometimes very loud, even from very small birds). This particular Robin was singing its heart out while I was ...

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