Northampton — The Twenty-First Century has seen some extraordinary progress in the aero-sciences. The idea of ‘Think Air’, for instance, has progressed from far-fetched theoretical possibility to commonly-accepted phenomenon, even if it remains badly understood. And with that expansion of the theoretical domain we’ve seen parallel growth in the practical art of Think Air Management. Even, now though, the massiv...
Northampton — Ever since I grew up opposite sloping fields in Amersham, the sight of fields sown with rapeseed, or oilseed rape, has been common around these parts. The vivid yellow is quite pleasing to the eye, re...
Northampton — St Peter & St Paul is a hidden gem, located in the tiny hamlet of Preston Deanery (pop. 51), just to the south of the urban sprawl of Northampton. Its tower appears amongst trees and fields as yo...
Northampton — When quietly exploring an old churchyard, it can be a little alarming to notice movement in the bushes at one end. I headed over to see what had caught my eye, and found these creatures! Of course, I...
Blend Farm
Preston Deanery
Churchyard cows, Preston Deanery
Preston Deanery. A self-portrait of sorts.
Preston Deanery
Fields of rapeseed