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documentary, guns, photography

Wrong place, wrong time, wrong lens. My first time being shot at. 

by Daniel Milnor

Austin — Everyone remembers their first time. Except me. There was the photo-story about gangs. I was in tight. Embedded before anyone used that term. We were friends actually. The time had been spent. The promises made. I returned with prints and said “Here, this is what I’m doing.” And then night fell, and fell hard. Drinking. Forties. Room temp. Sitting around with nothing going down, no plan or need ...

Time in a ball of foam.

by Sunny Vergara

Austin — I forgot to pack my shaving cream and so I grabbed whatever was available at the airport — pulled it off the rack, bought it, stuffed it into my bag without thinking, to be forgotten until the next m...

Work travel

Austin is an unpretentious, up-and-coming town that is always a joy to visit.

by Ben Werdmüller

Austin — They say that more people move to Austin every month than will move to San Francisco during the whole of this year. The result is a rapidly growing - and, yes, gentrifying - city that is constantly re...

The Future, friendship, Prose

Six years behind us, leaving notes to our future selves in the Cathedral of Junk.

by Kristen Taylor

Austin — None of us can remember exactly how we hit upon a whole day embracing the tackiest and true-bluest of Americana. As graduate students we were rich in time, all that angst had to go somewhere, and J. w...

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