Port townsend

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The Morning is blue, and whatever happens is perfect.

by Jo Chapman

Port townsend — Waking up, I knew that today I could get whatever I want. Drinking two cups of Yorkshire Gold on an empty stomache further compels this belief. People and events that would once depress me in their perceived value, change and I feel free. So I treat myself to breakfast at the magnificent Owl Sprit. French toast with walnuts, raisins and yogurt. Warm coffee that tastes like chocolate and berries...

Sneaking across a private airstrip : beholding the clouds lit by a werewolf moon.

by Jo Chapman

Port townsend — Every night I make my way home from town, via a local trail that navigates the zig-zag barriers between private properties, (somewhat makeshift paths like those made from cracks in ice, or lightning s...

Fog horns before the city wakes

by Jo Chapman

Port townsend — Cloud banks roll over the peninsula, filling the sound with white walls that hide the sky. Biking, hands balanced out to the wet air - the smells of moisture, kelp and sea salt mingle with the cold m...

When hiding under a tree...

by Jo Chapman

Port townsend — Caught out in the rain on a spontaneous morning walk. On waking I couldn’t resist the dark clouds and chanting trees. The lighting is blue and electric gold - the color of water and autumn. Green leav...

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