Aireys inlet — We humans don’t usually celebrate, or mark in any way, a tree’s birthday. What would that even mean? In any case, I planted this tree as a small sapling 35 years ago: September, 1979. Now, it looks to be about 12 metres high, growing more than a foot per year. For much of its life, it faced the chop, due to my classic blunder of positioning it directly in front of our ‘borrowed view’ of Point...
Surbiton — ‘You know how you don’t carry money, just like the Queen,’ my sister said to me as I popped round to her flat. ‘Yes?’ I asked, puzzled and intrigued. ‘Well, I think you should have two birthdays , l...
Duluth — Happy 2nd birthday. Thanks for your birthday greetings. It’s my birthday! My friend George suggested we simply drop the decades, so it’s my 2nd birthday. We can light candles on a cake without engag...
Detroit — I haven’t been to Detroit since 2010 for work. This time I’m helping a friend move from Chicago. I know over the past 4 years Detroit have been slowly reviving itself. I was excited to see what change...
Touching the fence is legal right?
Might as well write about last night...
Day 19 #100happydays: Two birthdays
Yeh! Ken turns two!
Happy birth day!
They counsel, cajole and comfort you in the weeks before turning 30. They don't tell you about how it feels to spend a decade *in* your 30s, just turning older.
The Tree and I
It was the day before my 29th birthday. Last minute I decided to go to Detroit.
Hiyayakko on the way...
It was my friend's birthday and I make a funny cake.
Birthdays! Friends! Art! Food!
Happy birthday little guy.
About to celebrate Holly’s fourth birthday with friends.
earlier (one city; another's food)