Detroit — We were in this moment, nothing really made sense and nothing really mattered. We loved ourselves unconditionally, accepted ourselves unconditionally. We had no worries about yesterday or tomorrow. A...
Hanoi — I had to take Sylvia to the shop today, a monthly maintenance check and a bath. We navigated all the way there by sight —- we haven’t been to this part of town since the day I brought her home. I lef...
Lincoln — I’m usually the one telling people to find the silver lining in life. To breathe and just enjoy the ride as things develop. Waking up this morning, I was far from able to find the silver lining. This...
Sylvia and I, vol. 23
Laughing at life's coconuts: Today was a rough one, but the world finds a way to remind you its okay.
When you are in the perfection of the moment nothing has to make sense nothing really matters.