Rindge, New Hampshire
A highly motivated compassionate young professional, dedicated to making a difference in community advocacy through holistic healing with special interest in at-risk and disenfranchised groups. I have a passion for writing and I consider myself the voice of the voiceless in my community.
2,106 words in 7 moments in 3 cities since March 6th, 2014
Rindge — One night there was lunar eclipse that changed my life forever. They say when there is an eclipse it’s a huge explosion of accumulated energy. Everything that is hidden is illuminated. Everything we f...
Rindge — Welp. Here I am. The last stretch in my college career. In less than three weeks I’ll be graduating with a double major in English and Mass Communications. It’s surreal to think I begin graduate scho...
Lincoln — I’m usually the one telling people to find the silver lining in life. To breathe and just enjoy the ride as things develop. Waking up this morning, I was far from able to find the silver lining. This...
You are loved
Speak your truth
Grey skies and a lot of optimism
Bittersweet package of loans, graduation tickets and my cap and gown
Meeting Scott Murawski at a Mike Gordon concert; embracing a new culture of music
Looking forward at Franklin Pierce: A bittersweet walk through the Graphic Arts hallways.
Laughing at life's coconuts: Today was a rough one, but the world finds a way to remind you its okay.