
2,245 words by 7 writers in Mill Valley, Sausalito & elsewhere

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Books, history, Families

Does this beat a Kindle hands down?

by Adrian Tribe

Sevenoaks — There’s something about books that is very hard to beat, don’t you think? I’m talking about real, physical books. Especially old books! It’s not just the feel, although that’s definitely part of it. It’s the smell too. And the thrill of turning the page to reveal the next part of the story. And with old books the craftsmanship too. It’s just a much fuller, richer experience than flipping ope...

Prose, history, Families

The comforts of the siren

by Robin Rendle

Nottingham — My hometown was obliterated during the war. Hitler’s Luftwaffe had destroyed the lovely pier and the docks, hoping to eradicate the strong Navy presence in and around Plymouth, historically one of th...

indigenous, Brandon Story Class, Parenthood

Taking a moment to pose for a picture, she really gets so excited when the older girls, ladies invite her to dance with them.

by Joanne Young

The pas — The Plains Pow Wow—- The Pow Wow is a spiritual as well as a social gathering to celebrate life. The Pow Wow brings together all nations, from different locations, speaking many languages...

Books, Families, Mothers & Daughters

"The mood you're in, that'd be the worst thing to read right now."

by Ellen Catriona

Hertford — I went home, that is back to my parents’ house, last weekend for Mother’s Day. I was in a foul mood. A great black hole of stress and worry consisting of essays, revision & what to do after grad...

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