
2,510 words by 8 writers in Seattle, London & elsewhere

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Travel, musings, Feelings

The life of a lonely traveler.

by Dan Rubin

London — I used to enjoy traveling alone, it was an adventure, an unencumbered excursion into the world, and often, the unknown. Trains, planes, airports, hotels, busses, taxis — all were exciting in their own way: When journeying to new places, every step was an adventure, a challenge to overcome, no matter how small; when revisiting a place, those steps, the pieces of every traveler’s puzzle, were famil...

Life, Feelings, photography

Trust how you feel - don't think. Thinking gets you into trouble. This is the best advice I can give.

by Crystal Sullivan

Georgetown — A friend called the other day. He was distraught and seeking direction on whether to end his long-term relationship. He knows I am recently divorced and it was my decision to end it after 10 years of ...

Color, Feelings, san francisco

Chromapost Moment #1

by Mary-Ann Barton

Maynard — “Chromapost is about sharing your feelings. Through color.” Aleksandar Maćašev One moment is a soft gray, a cool-June-morning-on-your-honeymoon-in-San-Francisco gray, a gray surrounded by dazzling bl...

Road, Feelings, Happy

I was squeezed in the backseat of a car and was chewing over the movie I had just seen. Then the people with me started a conversation...

by kiran dave

Thane — @ The Botherline I was squeezed in the backseat of a car and was chewing over the movie I had just seen. Power-full. Then the people with me started a conversation that I despise being a part of. Th...

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