
1,536 words by 5 writers in Saint-Gilles, Birmingham & elsewhere

Stories filed under Immigration

technology, The West, Immigration

In Search of Color

by Robin Rendle

San francisco — Delicately, but without hesitation, rivers of diamond and gold reveal themselves into the greater patchwork quilt of California beneath me. I’ve traveled across an ocean, a sea of ice, and now I find ...

Immigration, Jetlag

Once I read that Spain is actually in the wrong time zone.

by Kati Krause

Barcelona — That by geography it should be in GMT, not CET, and that a change would boost productivity because people would start work earlier (I think that was the argument). What a sad way of thinking, Alfredo ...

Littérature, Alain Berenboom, Immigration

GRAND ENTRETIEN – Alain Berenboom, écrivain et avocat : "En matière d'immigration et de tolérance, la civilisation bégaye."

by Jade Lemaire

Saint-gilles — Fils d’immigrés d’Europe de l’Est, l’écrivain belge Alain Berenboom a décidé cette fois d’écrire son histoire, ou plutôt celle de ses parents, débarqués dans ce drôle de pays dans les années 1930. Son...

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