Tokyo — My well-meaning friends often tell me to stop over-thinking things, over-analyzing situations, and thinking myself into a hole. They’re not wrong. Sometimes it is easier to just jump in and do something, instead of thinking endlessly to nowhere. My well-meaning colleagues and managers tell me to ask more questions so that I can learn faster. To make myself a part of the conversation. That’s good ...
Toronto — I was looking for a quick bite so olive oil was definitely not my priority. But the bowl of bread caught my eyes. I couldn’t resist the starch so I stopped. All of a sudden, I was immersed in an hour ...
Curitiba — This picture was one of the first that I took after learning how to use correctly the focus points with my camera. I did a basic photography course and I liked a lot. And I realize that understanding ...
Darmstadt — I remember the relaxed and connected atmosphere of these moments. Drinking coffee or tea, exchanging facts, checking learning scripts, joking with other students outside the learning circle. These we...
Spending my Sunday sharpening my Github skills but stuck on this screen for most of the workshop, unfortunately.
Amsterdam, travel and growing up
The most beautiful thing about learning is that you can learn, unlearn and relearn ideas, making it possible to re-evaluate what you once thought impossible.
"This is the Godfather of Olive Oil."
Stop telling me not to think so much. Stop telling me to ask more questions. Stop telling me to smile more.
Bookbinding workshop with Corina from Small Editions
Lately, I often recall the days at university, when we sat down in the student's café to learn for an exam.
Choosing the correct focus point
To learn also requires to rest
I'm just writing about the nature of failure, because it's a key to learning and success.
The raggedy arms of the first shaped products of Viennoiserie 1. As the weekend progresses, the aim is less crescent and more croissant.
A lead learner and his student enjoying Chicago after the 2013 Google Teacher Academy. I'm happy.