Reykjavik — Last year I shot a series called Observing, images of people experiencing art, from museums that we visited around the world that year. Why? Because I’m fascinated by how people observe their worlds, and museums is one example where we’re all seeing the same things, yet we’re often seeing it differently. People’s bodies and actions provide a signal of what’s going through their minds. The continu...
Newport beach — Images made within moments of one another. Wandering amid the masses of beach dwellers. Just shaking the dust off. A snap here, a snap there. Looking more than shooting. The distance is what is troubl...
Holzmaden — We took to the bar’s corner, from where we could observe in silence. Hipster came, had a beer, stared at his smartphone, left again. Different guy took his place, clearly a regular, had a beer too an...
Hillsboro — Dear Crooked Collage On The Wall, For days, I have been glimpsing you from the corner of my eye. I’ve even stood directly in front of you and debated setting you straight. But, my mother gave me stub...
One side to the other.
Dear Crooked Collage On The Wall
Caught in the act.
Hunting time
街を歩く時、すれ違う他人の目から目を逸らす時があって、すれ違う他人の目を見る時もある。/ When I’m walking around town, sometimes I look away from the eyes of the people I pass, and sometimes I look at their eyes.