Tokushima — I walked from Temple 1 to Temple 6 or 35 KM or more. My feet hurt. I’m burned from the sun. I feel absolutely amazing. It’s a spirit journey for me and weaving around farmers fields, bamboo forests and small villages it has been enlightening. The temples are the same but the path between them make me think and reflect. I usually listen to music while walking everywhere but here. I haven’t played...
Yoshinogawa — While walking, someone booked me in to sleep at this temple. The cost was steep at 6,000¥ but included dinner and breakfast. It was a place to sleep and something to fill my belly. I arrived tired an...
Sanagouchi — Its been tough today. There were more open areas without the protection of trees from the sun. I think I’m more burned then yesterday. For some reason my back pack is heavier then yesterday. I’m so ho...
Tosa — The hike started with me seeing lots of people with the white clothing of the pilgrims. The beginning of the walk was great as I just watched the countryside moved along. The mountains got bigger and ...
The Walk To Temple 19
Walk To Temple 13
Temple 12 - Shosanji
A Long Walk
Anrakuji Temple - 安楽寺 (6)
88 Temple Shikoku Pilgrimage (四国遍路 )