Surbiton — I had lunch with my parents and took along some seedlings I’d planted for my Mum to grow (we share a love of gardening but she can’t seem to get seeds growing for her, so I start things off for her). ...
Surbiton — Gorgeous sunny day so a spot of balcony gardening before I go out to celebrate my little sister’s birthday. It’s a sociable place. I was watering the plants when a little boy walked passed with his Da...
San francisco — The wave organ crouches at the end of a rocky spindle that curls around the small craft harbor. When we arrive, it’s crawling with tourists, their chatter drowning the low moan of the ocean. Still, we...
Day 6 #100happydays: Full of joy
Lunch at the roadside cafe
Day 5 #100HappyDays: A wave
Leaving wishes at the Wave Organ.
And now, in honor of Valentine's day, dinosaur terrariums.
Timing the train home perfectly