
783 words by 2 writers in Berlin, New York & elsewhere

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How much time do we spend standing at platforms, and watch life flash by?

by Jon Low

New york — Mass transit is an integral part of any modern metropolis. Usually, people stumble from ground level down into the station, only breaking away from their gadgets/newspapers to fiddle for their metro cards, before plugging back into what they were doing and stumbling to the platform. The metro is seen as a facilitative part of everyday life. It’s part of a process in which you get on, get sped to ...

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Travels, Sports


by Jon Low

Sunderland — Football (or soccer) in the United Kingdom is more than just a sport. It’s a community, a chance to draw closer to your community by focusing on rivalries, yet still a quaint way for everyone to exhib...

Travels, Friends

People seem to be blurring away, as we stay in our bubble.

by Jon Low

Dublin — You know when something is important to you, when all your energies and attention is focused on that, and you stop noticing all that is around you. In a foreign land, with strangers all around you, i...

#100HappyDays, River Thames, Travels

Day 86 #100happydays: Blue yonder

by So-Shan Au

London — Spotted this narrow boat on the River Thames as I was crossing Blackfriars Bridge, leaving work. Normally, the Thames is full of large commuter boats, tourist boats or cargo ships. I don’t think I’ve ...

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