Palo alto — A few years back, I watched a movie called Yes Man, in which the main character challenges himself to say “yes” to everything for a whole year. To say the least, his life gets a whole lot better a who...
Palo alto — There’s a saying that observations often tell you more about the observer than the observed. In my 19 years of life, I’ve rarely met people as observing — and so captivated by observing — as Eunice...
Morgan hill — Some scrambled thoughts after seeing my friend graduate: The final moments of high school hold so much joy. But it’s intermingled with sadness.. goodbyes trying to preserve themselves in wistful hop...
Sad but Relieved: I Am Not Unique
I hate being sick because it makes me vulnerable.
The Old-Fashioned Way of Keeping Memories
The Long Ride (a short story about Turtle)
A Little Snippet of the Story of Turtle!
The Art of Being Alone (Why Saying No Isn't as Lame as I Thought)
The Great Things Ahead
To the Observer