Guilin — I had seen a lot of shots of the famous cormorant fishermen around south China and really wanted to get an image of these guys myself. I had already formed an idea in my head, which can lead to a crushing disappointment when you don’t fulfill it. I rose at 04:00 and took a car down to the Li River in Yangshuo, Guilin. As I saw this fisherman near the shore, I grabbed my camera from my bag, but al...
Jinan — In mythical China there is an ancient temple at the top of a very high mountain sitting above the clouds and it takes 7,000 steps up a vertical stairway to reach it. Emperor, poets and pilgrims make t...
Deqen — Fortunately, two days before I had met Martin from Uruguay. He was joking about my bike and I hated him for that (though he was right). However, he had some experience cycling the world and he agreed ...
Xinzhou — This photo was taken at Wutai Mountain East Top, last tuesday. We were watching Perseus meteor shower. When it was dawn, a monk walked here, beside us, staring the east, and waiting for sunrise.
Cranks Cranks CRANKS!!!
感谢Hi. co,感谢Marg.八月十三日到了延安枣园革命根据地,学习革命先辈精神,开创自己的革命事业。
Fifteen years ago... And now I am back
前不久,收到了hi.co创始人Craig的回信,有些遗憾。 hi.co是一个有情怀的网站,通篇的文章都是!保持人间最好的东西,让美好永久流传! 真心希望Craig放弃hi.co的运营后,工作与事业顺利、顺心——应当是众多hi.co用户的心声。 高管百科www.ceobaike.com马上就要投入运行了,这是一个与hi.co不同,但同样有情怀的一个网站,愿它亦是永久流传,不是在镍上,而是在实际的网络中。 祝福Craig,祝福,祝福高管百科!
一直对国外有情怀的网站怀有敬意。他们专注,专业,专长! Well-done!
貳貨快來Alice Ge & Roceys2016-04 雲南麗江
Reviving Artisanal Skills (Rinnie Wiryo)
Life is what you make it, so make it fun!
On the border between Mongolia and China, I waited, staring at the Gobi & the cigarette cartons under my arm.
Sunrise over Tiananmen Square (2012)
Fatwa philosophique pour l'éthique et l'entendement
"Why am I so soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?"
Everything is interesting when you have nothing to lose and maybe even nothing to gain.
Chengdu is called 'The Turtle City' (龟城); apparently the designer Zhang Yi followed a turtle's path to mark the borders.
When the smog lingers over Beijing, a beautiful picture from the Temple of Heaven complex helps dispel the gloom.
A Night Of KTV
Sitting here in a cafe on campus and decided to try out Hi on a whim. I am fascinated by cafe culture here and how it's being imported and adapted.
东北早餐(Northeastern Chinese Breakfast)
Shanghai Skyline
Futuristic skywalk
The Bund Without Us
After some extremely frustrating and stressful weeks we left Shanghai early in the morning for our first leg.
Waiting for the egg to cool down...
Chinese red tea with Dad.
A new beginning.
The white champaca from grandma's balcony. It's been a year since she left. She is here, just as the fragrance is here...
I like Craig's pancake story in Nieman Lab.
If teleportation existed today, would that be net positive or negative for the world economy?
Almost three weeks after arrival in Shanghai Yangshan Deepwater Port, our car is still in the container
Laser-Back, for an intense journey
Redeeming a tourist trap
In Beijing, a new coffee place is almost always all about the fit out - then the coffee. Occasionally they get both right.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Sick
Frozen Man: It's like a cold Burning Man
Tai Shan, mythical mountain.
DNA Replication Team 5327: Under review for breach of contract. Failed to deliver product before deadline.
Long hikes among tea fields, silent temples, devoted believers and mist.
Sometimes it's better to begin before the start of the journey, than start at the beginning.
Mister X.
around the Xihu
Old Shanghai
night cruise on first day in 2014
Shanghai morning glory
new year's sound
Smoggy Shanghai
New Shanghai
Rainy Shanghai
christmas is coming,one year is passing by,kind of in a blue mood...
Hi!Love this site!
2 weeks left, guess I have to create a miracle ;)
Have a try
Today is a productive day!Keep going!