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Morning, Winter

Mornings treasure.

by Anna Frejlev

Gentofte — Sky colored in washed blue. A seagull with pink wings colored by sun rays. First frost on magnolia’s leaf. A girl with enormous scarf. A little dog in a fur jacket. Crumbled thin ice. Snow looking like clumped icing sugar. It’s still green here. Not hooray-it-is-still-warm green, more cup-of-hot-chocolate-please green. Anticipation is here.

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Cemetery, history

Morning. Cemetery.

by Anna Frejlev

Gentofte — Walk through cemetery tells stories about life beloved families and names long gone off fashion. One thing in common, there are no one single gravestone with age of decease less then 75. Usually it is...

Things you see on your way.

by Anna Frejlev

Gentofte — We surrounded by things. New, not so new, useful or not, pretty or not, things we need or things we’ve got just because we’ve… we can buy things. Some of them came to our homes through our parents gr...


Sometimes it's all that matters. Get a chance, use it wise.

by Anna Frejlev

Gentofte — Last couple of days were extremely stressed. Important decisions to make, oaths to take, things to do. In all this wind whirl I began to feel suffocated. Yet today I got lucky, my class was cancelled ...

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