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Sanctuary, Stillness, Escape

Silent sanctuary in the madness of the working day . . .

by Hadge Hughes

Lancing — One of the privileges of my job is the opportunity to here and there escape the rush of the need for now and sneak away into silence - the silence of the sacred still centre. Thomas Moore said, “Silence is not an absence of sound but rather a shifting of attention toward sounds that speak to the soul.” The soul is in danger of being forgotten in our world of rush and push. That urge you feel here ...

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poetry, Art, Family

so hard to be held / and even harder to behold / the hole / that hides / in my small / universe

by Hadge Hughes

Lancing — The picture is of the first serious piece of cross stitch my daughter Emma did using a poem I wrote. It was embroidered for a piece she submitted as part of her graphic art degree 14 years ago. Since ...

imperfection, Random Thoughts, glory

Thought on the way into work about imperfection

by Hadge Hughes

Lancing — The glory of our humanity is our imperfection. Our imperfection invites others to love us unconditionally and unconditional love is what, in the end, will perfect us.

Shame, blame, Flame

Shame is the name of the game and the flame that burns and turns the tide of feeling that leaves me staring at the ceiling

by Hadge Hughes

Lancing — Shame is the name of the game and the flame that burns and turns the tide of feeling that leaves me staring at the ceiling looking for meaning where, of course, there is none and at no time is the sha...

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