Mountain view — Having a coffee snob for a roommate means a lot of random conversations in the kitchen about coffee beans (and why we have six different kinds between the two of us; our third roommate drinks none of it.) Or what kind of ground to use. Or the best tool to use to get good coffee. The other night, he found me in the kitchen making a cup at 11pm. We ended up talking about morning coffee. He whipped ...
Mountain view — My baby nephews turned three and one. My parents, my girlfriend, and I disagree over who loves these two little godsends more, but we all seem to agree that their cuteness and our total indulgence of ...
Mountain view — I turned 40 in September… It used to be that 40 or even 30 felt so far away and the thought of what people call a midlife crisis was the farthest away from my mind. I tend to be a person of polar o...
Mountain view — I’ve lived in Mt. View for the last 8+ years. I’ve always hit the same place for coffee and snacks but it wasn’t until I left FireEye that I started making this place my refuge and the beginning of so...
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. Now more than ever
Life happens when you're looking the other way
Every end is a new beginning... again
Dates that define me
This is my first sketch! I'm writing this in class. Shhhhh, don't tell.
reconnections, sad news, missed trains and getting a piece of my life back… interesting morning today
What if?
Angular, Coffee, Music... Shaping to be an interesting Sunday
Now back to the holding pattern where you wonder if your best s good enough... and hope it is
been too quiet, writing and code have kept me busy
Time does give you a new perspective
Every end is a new beginning
Here goes nothing...
Direction unknown but at least I'm moving...
Learning is hard, learning in public is even harder
The more things change the more they stay the same. has taken new meaning for me today
Just when I thought I had the answers, they changed the questions
Where ideas come to life.
One day you'll ask why I took so many pictures of you. I'll say because you grew up too fast.
Places gain meaning and they become a part of you
Working on something...
Either I'm getting old or I'm expecting too much of the world around me
It was the right decision to make... if I wasn't sure before, I am now
Profiterol and steel
Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn & Nayan Patel, Founder, H2
Which one should I have?
Bourbon Friday with Team Delight.
It's like whoa...
Prepared for battle.
Why is it that forward momentum seems to be at odds with infinite possibility?
Perfectly lonely.
The perfect cappuccino!
Cypresses awaiting a ride
Finding new meaning in old songs while on a train (almost) full of strangers
I don't take the time to sketch out the lines in the skies
After all the typos made here and elsewhere I'm feeling like I should just unplug or blame autocorrect
The city changes faster than the human heart.
nothing like fresh french-pressed coffee in the morning.
Bean burgers
To do it or not to do it... that's the scary question