
18,794 words by 28 writers in Reading, San Francisco & elsewhere

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Today's Walk, Fiction, Autumn

This is the house, she says.

by Jack Cheng

Fredericksburg — When we move in we’ll hang a bench on the patio and when it rains I’ll complain about not being able to see the stars, and one Sunday when I’m back from my parents’ I’ll find you on a ladder with sky on your face and town on your chin and a light bulb and a smirk and you’ll say, Now we can turn them on whenever we want. We’ll change the outside color every year. No colonial pastels, nothing for p...

Design, Fiction, Daydreams

The daydreams of a book designer

by Robin Rendle

Reading — She spent her days ordering circles, squares and rectangles of color on a page. In her dreams however, in that alternate universe where she might become anything else at a moment’s notice, she believe...


Tornado Alley

by David Wade Chambers

Enid — Spring on the prairie, twister time in tornado alley. … Ask anyone in Oklahoma, approaching storms, can be felt, smelt, miles away. On certain afternoons, the air, quivering with energy, release...

Fiction, storytelling, Short Fiction

It's 11pm. I get out of a movie theatre and get a taxi cab. And what follows is violent.

by david frança mendes

Rio de janeiro — It’s eleven PM and I’m getting out of a movie called The Canyons. I’m not sure what I think about the film, do I like it or not and why, and it is with this kind of cinephile reasoning in mind that I ...

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