Prescott — Lejos. Lejos esta el hombre con el que deseo estar. Sus labios están fuera de mi alcance pero su corazón aun en la distancia es posible conquistar. Los mares no nos dividen pero es la tierra la que i...
Saskatoon — Miles make things hard. Any kind of relationship can get chaotic, awful, and sad. Even more so when there are multiple miles between you and the person you are trying to have a relationship with. Unle...
Fairfax — It’s been five years since a silly little roleplay forum brought us together and it’s amazing we haven’t throttled each other for all the crazy we scream/shriek/squeal/forever capslock-text each other...
Aun en la distancia, yo te quiero
Long Distance is awful. Family, friends, lovers, it's hard if there is more than just a couple of miles between you.
A few thousand miles mean nothing.