
18,070 words by 47 writers in Accra Metropolis, Aireys Inlet & elsewhere

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City Tales, poetry

Nowadays, everyone is looking down, checking out their iPhones. I guess they don't want to miss anything.

by Shu Kuge

Tokyo — Actually, they miss everything. The other day, I realized on the Sobu Line that the clouds were beautiful. But I was the only one who was looking up. Baudelaire, a French poet of “flaneur,” writes about “The Stranger” who hates everything but clouds “up there…up there (la-bas… la-bas),” the ultimate form of freedom. As a flaneur, it is said that Baudelaire walked around the city all day and a...

technology, poetry

The Upgrade.

by Lia Pas

Saskatoon — When I was recovering from my appendectomy earlier this year the “need” arose. The need for web pages to stop crashing, the need for the ability to post on Facebook without my iPad seizing up, the nee...

oku no hosomichi, poetry, Prose

The journey begins ...

by Matsuo Basho

Tokyo — The months and days are travellers of eternity. Just like the years that come and go. For those who live their lives on boats, or lead horses towards old age, their lives are travel, their journeys ar...

home, Life, poetry

Sitting in an apartment without any furniture beyond that found on the street, I recall a favorite poem, struck at the suddenly narrow distance between (my) life and art. It goes like so:

by Zach Hyman

New york — Back Home Again This John Denver song comes back around Like a semi around a cloverleaf intersection This morning, as though circling slowly the potential lives My father might have imagine...

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