London — The internet didn’t make any sense to me at first until I discovered aggregators and later on link blogs. I don’t want to say that’s when I saw the matrix… London, and New York, and Tokyo, and any ...
London — If you spend enough time with any one place, or any one person, you tend to forget or overlook or simply stop seeing the interstitials - the streets between the main streets or the facts between the m...
London — Look, I know - it’s just stew. But is it? When has stew ever let you down? Don’t even bother answering that - it’s never. Stew has never let you down.
I need to buy fewer notebooks.
For sale very light
This isn't so bad, he thought. It could be worse.
All over London the lost bikes sit waiting to be discovered again.
I already know I'll regret not eating more stew in my life.
Synchronous kedgeree is our prerogative.
All the world's a stage.
Analog web.
A city begins to feel like home when you can look at a famous structure and notice the parts you don't like.
Worlds collide.
A little kitchen. One old woman behind the counter. Delicious food.
It's easy—as easy as it is to be a tourist—to fall into the same, unseeing trap when you live in a city as when you visit it.
Some call it gentrification, others call it improvement - almost no one calls it the hokey pokey. (Except me.)
Look up.
Step one for trimming down - eat only coloured string.
July 30. London, summer is officially over.
Restaurant in an old garage. That's London.
"There's no good coffee in London." - my very wrong, slightly odd friend.
A garden. Table tennis. Summer in London.
I moved to London partly because I wanted the physical world to mirror the world I'd found online - connected, integrated, and full of things to look at.
No one under the age of 28 has experienced below average temperatures. Currently 32°C indoors in London.
I think it's both fascinating and tiring to treat every interaction with other people as a improv exercise. Rule number 1: always say yes.
The exhibit was on AK-47s, and how easy it was to get one, and the cost this represented in human lives around the world. They had one that you could hold to see if simply holding one would be seductive.It is.
The glass in the room isn't glass. It's paint on the walls. My brain still thinks it's glass.
The sky is amazing today. I want to tear chunks out if it and wear it like a cape. Then I want to fly.
Is it the nature of every decision to feel like you're making the wrong one?
Every day in London, bikes such as this one are left at the mercy of thieves who are not, for a second, fooled by the u-lock as padlock shenanigans.