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First Love, Decisions

Experiment No.2015

by Ishita Doval

Roma — I find myself at crossroads more often then I’d like. Mostly, the roads aren’t that radical and my choices would not define what I am to become. Every now and then however, I face contrasting routes, decisions that are in no manner parallel to one another, and it is then that I have to ask myself the ultimate question - “Does it matter, enough?” Humans being an intellectual species that experien...

Special places

It is Spring in Rome

by Giovanna Iorio

Roma — It makes me feel at home when I can walk beside a river. The Tiber is a sweet place and the big black stony walls are full of daisies. It is a vertical garden, natural and spontaneous. The traffic flo...

#this is me, You, friends?

My little list of uncertainties. 

by Ishita Doval

Roma — I’m the kind of person who wants to know people inside out. Talk to me, laugh with me, let’s wipe our tears together. Tell me things that you are too scared to hear yourself say, let me in, and mayb...

Alfio Marchini Sindaco: una sintesi del Confronto su Skytg24

by Lista marchini

Roma — Alfio Marchini: “in caso di elezione rinuncerò all’indennità di sindaco” Marchini al confronto tra i candidati a Sindaco di Roma organizzato da SKY dichiara rivolto ai cittadini romani: Mi impegno sol...

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