Roma — I find myself at crossroads more often then I’d like. Mostly, the roads aren’t that radical and my choices would not define what I am to become. Every now and then however, I face contrasting routes, decisions that are in no manner parallel to one another, and it is then that I have to ask myself the ultimate question - “Does it matter, enough?” Humans being an intellectual species that experien...
Roma — It makes me feel at home when I can walk beside a river. The Tiber is a sweet place and the big black stony walls are full of daisies. It is a vertical garden, natural and spontaneous. The traffic flo...
Roma — I’m the kind of person who wants to know people inside out. Talk to me, laugh with me, let’s wipe our tears together. Tell me things that you are too scared to hear yourself say, let me in, and mayb...
Roma — Alfio Marchini: “in caso di elezione rinuncerò all’indennità di sindaco” Marchini al confronto tra i candidati a Sindaco di Roma organizzato da SKY dichiara rivolto ai cittadini romani: Mi impegno sol...
Alfio Marchini Sindaco: una sintesi del Confronto su Skytg24
Alfio Marchini Sindaco: Lettera di Gianfranco Polillo a “Formiche”
Roma Lista Marchini: nuove ed innovative proposte di policy per il turismo
Alfio Marchini Sindaco: E’ la mia squadra di fuoriclasse per il Campidoglio
Marchini Politiche Giovani, piano per la scuola: “Bonus per teatri e concerti”
This doesn't need words
This is Castel Sant'Angelo. The walk along the river and a wonderful discovery: Springtime is here!
It is Spring in Rome
Experiment No.2015
My little list of uncertainties.
It is Carneval!
Ostia The light was magic and the music dreamy.
Ostia, LazioThis is a special place. It is where Pasolini died.
Rome has an incredible number of angels.
Winter sunset in St. Peter
This is a silver bridge one day a year. Rome, Ponte Sisto
Pur comprendendo le preoccupazioni di Federanziani a proposito del cosiddetto zapping farmaceutico, AssoGenerici non condivide la proposta di modificare le norme sulla sostituibilità
Rem Lucchese: “L’impresa italiana sostenibile modello per l’Europa”
A Roman moon.
Floating night lights.
There once was a dog.