
8,389 words by 41 writers in Chicago, Saskatoon & elsewhere

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Winter, Weather, yoga

When the weather grows so suddenly cold, bodies tighten.

by Lia Pas

Saskatoon — Props pile up on the mat. Hamstrings ache in forward bends. Backs do not bend as they used to. Opening the body requires a trust easily assumed in warmer weather, carefully negotiated in winter. Boots are changed to ones lined with wool and thinsulate. Ones with deeply etched soles. Feet step gingerly on ice and proudly in deep snow, enjoying the crunch as innumerable crystals are crushed. Shoul...

Weather, Winter

first snow

by Lia Pas

Saskatoon — This morning when he kissed me goodbye he whispered in my ear, “It snowed.” and I could hear a little boy in his voice. When I crawled out of bed and came downstairs I saw the thin dusting of white i...

Architecture, Weather, missed opportunities

The best photos I never took.

by Shay Darrach

Toronto — Imagine this building, if you will, covered in icicles. Not the tiny, sharp, mundane ones that form on the eavestroughs of houses. No, these were mighty. Giants of their kind. As thick as your head, ...

Winter, Weather, Snow

I think it'll be staying awhile this time.

by Lia Pas

Saskatoon — How to prepare for winter in Saskatchewan: Bake a pear-cardamom crisp for the annual potluck to say goodbye to your acting teacher before he heads off to Barcelona for the winter. Find the cat-eared ...

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